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Lynn Hollow

Parking Area (Arbaugh Trailhead)

35.75766°, 93.52795°

Ozark Highlands Trail
(West side of Arbaugh Road)

Access Point "A"
35.75674°, 93.53157°

WF #1 Lichen Falls

35.75677°, 93.53128°

Access Point "B"
35.75677°, 93.53157°

Access Point "C"
35.75168°, 93.53449°

WF #2  Lynn Hollow Cascade
35.75193°, 93.53500°

WF #3 Lynn Hollow Falls
35.75229°, 93.53486°
Above Lichen Falls
Side Waterfall below WF #3
Another shot of WF #2 upstream (left)
Waterfall above WF #2

  Acord Hollow  

Parking Area "D" (FR 1548)
35.73102°, 93.57286°

Driveway on north side of road leads to this
private property. Do not block driveway.

Ozark Highlands Trail
(North side of FR 1548)
Access Point "F"
35.73008°, 93.57435°
Access Point "G"
35.73280°, 93.57728°

WF #4
35.73236°, 93.57724°
WF #5 Acord Hollow Falls
35.73477°, 93.57667°

  Estep Creek  

Parking Area "E"
35.72979°, 93.57355°
(South side of road across from driveway)

WF #6 Estep Quads
35.72478°, 93.57324°

WF #7 Estep Creek Falls
35.72030°, 93.57376°
  Access Point "H" 35.72463°, 93.57347°  

WF #6a

35.72239, 93.57508°
WF #7a

35.71974°, 93.57408°