We have our "safety coordinator".... |

....our "photographer".... |

....and our "rain suits"....
so, we were ready to go! |

Began our hike down an old Forest
Service road |

So this is where we actually start
into the woods and down to Stepp Creek |

We found an old "dig grotto" on our
down to the creek. |

Rodger was heading us in the right
direction? |

We finally make in down below
Stepp Creek Falls |

Time for a photo opt
(The waters were crazy today) |

Discussion time also.... |

This is the first waterfall below
Stepp Creek Falls
(You can see Stepp Creek Falls in the
background) |

You probably can't see it but there is
"pink" tint behind the waterfall....
that would be Heidi! |

....and that is Heidi and Scott on the
(Both were behind the waterfall!) |

Now on down Stepp Creek |

There was a lot of picture taking
those that stayed home because of the
threat of rain.....shame on you! |

Tina lost her cell phone and guess who
found it.....? Cindy. Way to go! |

Found these screening boxes on the
side of the creek. |

Large grotto on the north side of the
creek |

We made it to the intersection of
Stepp Creek and
a side creek.....and you guessed it?
Cindy called it "Side Stepp Creek" get it? |

Since we got a late start (you can
asked Yuko
about that) it was 11:30 A.M. by the time we
to this spot.....so LUNCH TIME! |

.....so David had time to take of few
shots of
this little waterfall. |

Enjoying lunch |

This must be our lunch spot....someone
marked it for us? |

Glen and John |

Tina, Heidi and James |

Chris |

Darlene |

Part of Stepp Creek |

The TAKAHIK bunch in the middle
of nowhere.....and enjoying it! |

John getting a picture of
Intersection Falls |

John getting a picture looking on
down Stepp Creek |

Heidi found a Bear Crack |

We found ICE! |

Heading up "Side Stepp Creek" |

And here is Big Sycamore Tree Falls |

Big Sycamore Tree Falls
(Wished I had my big camera!) |

What is it that Lila has spotted? |

Could it be her lunch? |

Group picture! |

One more waterfall up the creek |

Another photo opt |

We have a tree hugger with us today! |

Several take their turn behind the
falls |

Notice how folks are climbing on
the left?
Someone didn't make it???? |

Anyone know what this black fungi is?
We see it everywhere on trees. etc. |

Big Sycamore Falls from the side |

OK guys let's head up stream..... |

The last waterfall up "Side Stepp
Creek" |

David and Michael getting their feet
to get a good shot.... |

This is how you do it if you are a
photographer! |

This is also what you have to do.... |

We would now take a "shortcut" back
out of here? |

Our last look at Side Stepp Creek |

Rodger would beat everyone back to
the vehicles..... |

The Beech Trees and the creeks were
amazing today! |

We found the Bear Crack and go back
off the bluffs.....only to discover we needed
to stay on top a bit longer..... |

....so we found another a hole in the
and headed back on top....
(This was not very big, so some chose the
Bear Crack to get back on top) |

This is where folks had to decide how
to get back on top.
(Bear Crack or Hole) |

Heidi and Scott helped get our
backpacks on top |

That's the "hole" on the
right....tiny! |

Passing by Stepp Creek Falls on our
way out |

Not sure if Tina is going to jump or
what? |

We would have to cross this several
times! |

Time to doing some shedding before we
uphill..... |

We make it halfway up the hill (our
and now to see where we where and how to
continue!!!!! |

Still smiling at this point! |

Folks lost in the woods! |

Found the old Forest Service road |

Ah, our vehicles! |

....and here come the rest!
What a great day.....didn't get rained on
after all....sure glad we didn't stay home. |