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Parking Area #1  35.79712°, 92.93252° (Richland Creek Campgrounds)
Parking Area #2 35.79873°, 92.93322° (North of Campground)
Parking Area #3  35.83682°, 92.97213° (Hill Cemetery)
Parking Area #4 35.84175°, 92.98445° (FR 1205, NC 5080,  North End of Wilderness)
Parking Area #5  35.77415°, 92.98880° (FR 1203, NC 5050,  Access to OHT)
Parking Area #6 35.82547°, 92.94733° (East Side of Wilderness)

 Richland Creek Campgrounds from Parking Area #1 to Richland Falls and Twin Falls

Parking Area #1
Entrance to Upper and Lower Campgrounds
35.79712°, 92.93252°

Head to Lower Campgrounds

Gate to Lower Campgrounds
35.79749°, 92.93335°
(Usually closed due to potenial flooding)

Sign In Box at West End of Lower Campgrounds
35.79744°, 92.93506°
Falling Water Creek Crossing #A
35.79728°, 92.93615°

(Depends on water levels)
Cross where ever you can and hike up to top of
hill where you will find the trail heading west on
south side of Richland Creek.
There is also a trail on the north side of Richland
Creek. If you take this trail you will have to cross
back across Richland Creek before you get to the
access to Richland Falls.

Richland Creek Crossing #B
35.79765°, 92.93621°
(Depends on water levels)

(Some folks get to Crossing #A and head south along Falling Water Creek thinking they are going down Richland Creek)

Boulders 35.79946°, 92.94024°
Note: Trail gets a little hard to find in this area!


Trail on the way to Richland & Twin Falls
(South side)

Near Richland Creek crossing
35.80398°, 92.95977°

This is where you cross Richland Creek
Crossing #C 35.80417°, 92.95998°

Crossing #C 35.80417°, 92.95998° (Richland Creek)

This is what Crossing #C looks like at high water
Richland Falls
35.80085°, 92.96015°
Twin Falls
35.80582°, 92.96407°

Hill Cemetery Access (Parking Area #3) to Millstone Falls, Hamilton Falls and Twin Falls

Hill Cemetery 35.83682°, 92.97213°
Parking Area #3

Trail heads east along north side
 of cemetery fence.
(Hikers coming out)

Old Road Trace to Twin Falls

Exit here to Millstone Falls
35.82188°, 92.96595°

Millstone Falls 35.82120°, 92.96677°
Millstones 35.82093°, 92.96683°
(Note: Both millstones are no longer in this area)
Devon Falls
35.81723°, 92.96145°
Hamilton Falls
35.81188°, 92.96397°
Twin Falls
35.80582°, 92.96407°

Wilderness Access from Parking Area #4 to Sandstone Castles

Parking Area #4 FR 1205 (NC 5080)
North End of Wilderness
35.84175°, 92.98445°

Parking Area #4
Just South of Power Pole #287599


Blue Blazes will get you going
the the right direction

Smiley Face (Last Blue Blaze)
Start heading uphill along old road trace
(You will actually cross the
corner of private property)

You will eventually start seeing
faint red blazes as you get towards the
top of the hill, still following old road trace.

You will pass by a deer stand on
your right. (It is on private property)

Also, passing by a deer feeder
on your right.

This is the SE Corner of the
private property. It will also be on your right.
The old road trace and trail begins to get a
little hard to follow at this point.

Intersection of trail
35.83717°, 92.98428°

Intersection looking south

Rock Cairns at Intersection

Trail turns SE here.
35.82512°, 92.98618°

First Rock Wall
35.82508°, 92.98645°

First Rock Wall

Second Rock Wall
35.82423°, 92.98432°

Trail passing by north end of
Second Rock Wall

Typical Faint Red Blaze

Third Rock Wall
35.82030°, 92.97832°

Fourth Rock Wall
35.81952°, 92.97675°

Upland Swamp (Dry)
.81926°, 92.97454°

Access down
35.81663°, 92.97318°

The Arch Rock
(aka Sandstone Castle)

35.81648°, 92.97320°

Inside The Arch Rock

The Pedestal
(West of The Arch Rock)

Inside The Pedestal
(aka Sandstone Castle)

The Big Room Cave
(East of The Arch Rock)

The Climbing Rock and Upper Cave
(East of The Big Room Cave on way
to Sandstone Castle)

On around to the Sandstone Castle
(There are a lot of briars, etc. on around from
The Climbing Rock, make your way through
them hiking along the bluff line and eventually it
will open up just before the Sandstone Castle)

Approaching the Sandstone Castle

South side upper entrance to Sandstone Castle

Front entrance to Sandstone Castle
35.81865°, 92.97342°

Inside looking out of Sandstone Castle

Twin Falls & Richland Falls from FR 1203 (Parking Area #5) (NC 5050) (Crosses some Private Property)

Gate at Private Property Boundary 

Old Cemetery
Old Cem. 35.78120°, 92.97898°
FR 1203B through Private Property
Old Cabin
35.78697°, 92.97935°
Old Car

Standing in Old Road Trace
near Notched Pine

Notched Pine Tree
35.79995°, 92.96398°
(This is where you turn east and head
downhill to Richland Falls)

Location Map
Driving Directions: From Lurton downtown Community Center take Hwy. 123 north for 1.5 miles, just past Tarlton Cem. to A Forest Road 1200 (NC 5070); turn
right (east) and go 3.8 miles to
B Forest Road 1203 (NC 5050); continue on FR 1200 to 6.8 miles to the intersection of FR 1200 & FR 1205 (NC 5070 & NC 5080); continue
now on FR 1205 to 7.7 miles to
C (Parking area for Sandstone Castles); continue on FR 1205 to 8.4 miles to D (Iceledo Gap and FR 1222 to Hill Cemetery); it is
0.8 miles down FR 1222 to Hill Cemetery (FR 1222 looks like a driveway west of a mobile home, road is very rough and not maintained).
Beginning back at Iceledo Gap go 2.2 miles on FR 1205 to the intersection of FR 1205 and Richland Road; continue on FR 1205 to 6.5 miles and the entrance
of Richland Creek Campground;
Ben Hur E take FR 1203 (NC 5050) north, 3.7 miles to F and park on the west side at the Moore CCC Camp Ozark Highlands Trail Spur; continue on
FR 1203 to 6.6 miles to FR 1200 (NC 5070)
Ben Hur E take Hwy. 16 south, 1.1  miles to FR (1205) G; continue on Hwy. 16 to 4.6 miles and Falling Water Road H;
G take FR 1205 and go 1.1 miles to intersection of Falling Water Road; continue on Falling Water Road 8.0 miles to the entrance of Richland Creek Campground.
H go 10.5 miles on Falling Water Road (FR 1205) to the entrance of Richland Creek Campground

Lurton Community Center
Intersection Lurton Loop & Hwy. 123

"A" Forest Road 1200
(NC 5050) Just past Tarlton Cem.
"B" Forest Road 1203
"C" Parking Area
"D" Iceledo Gap

"E" Ben Hur FR 1203
(NC 5050)
"F" Parking Area
"G" Forest Road 1205
(At Garrison Quarter Horse Sign)
(Falling Water Horse Camp Sign)

"H" Falling Water Road
Richland Creek Campground