TAKAHIK River Valley Hikers
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Type of Membership: Individual $15.00 (Yearly)  Family $20.00 (Yearly) Lifetime (Individual or Family) $100.00

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Name of Family Members Joining

    I understand (as an individual or as a representative of my family) that a certain amount of risk is involved in hiking and related activities, and I agree (as an individual or family representative) I will not hold TAKAHIK, River Valley Hikers (a club), its officers, other members, or group leaders, responsible for any injuries I (or those I represent) may incur while taking part in activities sponsored by said club.

SIGNED ______________________________     DATE ________________   

          Type in information, print out page 1 only, sign and mail TAKAHIK, River Valley Hikers, 217 Canterbury Circle, Russellville, AR 72802.

Note: Membership renewal October of each year.

Membership List

As of Feb. 5, 2025 (Membership -159)

October 1, 2024 - October 1, 2025

Philip Morgan (Lifetime) Loretta Morgan (Lifetime) Rebecca Morgan (Lifetime) *Buzz Heinzen (Lifetime Memorial)
Michael Little (Lifetime) Dianne Little (Lifetime) Danny Hale (Lifetime) Brenda Hale (Lifetime)
Dr. Hugh Silkensen (Lifetime) Mary Silkensen (Lifetime) Bill Hemmer (Lifetime) Gerry Hemmer (Lifetime)
Ken Freeman (Lifetime) Missy Freeman (Lifetime) Tom Arnold (Lifetime) Ann Arnold (Lifetime)
Damien Durbin (Lifetime) Celeste Durbin (Lifetime) *Dr. Robert Chester (Lifetime Memorial) *Sue Blevins (Lifetime Memorial)
Kat Standridge (Lifetime) Deena Spuryer (Lifetime) Joe Spuryer (Lifetime) Char Taylor (Lifetime)
Bobby Price (Lifetime) Donna Prince (Lifetime) Bill Rothert, Jr. (Lifetime) Cecilia Rothert (Lifetime)
Robert Griffin (Lifetime) Peggy Griffin (Lifetime) Dr. Andy Monfee (Lifetime) Rhonda Monfee (Lifetime)
Stephen Kaufmann (Lifetime) David Robinson (Lifetime) Julie Robinson (Lifetime) Carol Gray (Lifetime)
Dawn Dvoracek (Lifetime) Theresa Johnson (Lifetime) Dr. Ted Honghiran (Lifetime) Chirapan Honghiran (Lifetime)
Gloria Swartz (Lifetime) Steve Hern (Lifetime) Becky Hern (Lifetime) *Roy Senyard (Lifetime Memorial)
Norma Senyard (Lifetime) Chris Harris (Lifetime) Laura Harris (Lifetime) *Gary Hodges (Lifetime Memorial)
John Courtway (Lifetime) Annie Courtway (Lifetime) Heidi Courtway (Lifetime) Claudia Courtway (Lifetime)
Katy Courtway (Lifetime) Robbie Courtway (Lifetime) Jenny Courtway (Lifetime) Melissa Rehm (Lifetime)
Larry Rehm (Lifetime) Lesly Dunn (Lifetime) David Dunn (Lifetime) Samantha Dunn (Lifetime)
Dona LaRue (Lifetime) Linda Hsu (Lifetime) Terrence Conant (Lifetime) Nanette Lareau (Lifetime)
Pam Magness (Lifetime) Chuck Wilson (Lifetime) Cindy Bean Wewers (Lifetime) Edward Wewers (Lifetime)
James Strother (Lifetime) Ray Allen (Lifetime) Kathy Allen (Lifetime) Ray Hanley (Lifetime)
Diane Hanley (Lifetime) J.D. Hanley (Lifetime) Maurice Broussard (Lifetime) Max Wheeler (Lifetime)
Kirk Ehren (Lifetime) Liz Jolley (Lifetime) Glenn Jolley (Lifetime) Lynn Reinbolt (Lifetime)
Scott Howard (Lifetime) Debra Howard (Lifetime) Steve Stevenson (Lifetime) Malinda Stevenson (Lifetime)
Yolanda Dreher (Lifetime) Mike Parks (Lifetime) Yuko Parks (Lifetime) Paula Holland (Lifetime)
Anita Collier (Lifetime) Kathy Palmer (Lifetime) Lou Palmer (Lifetime) Michael Bean (Lifetime)
Lila McCauley (Lifetime) Glen Pagan (Lifetime) Terry Graveley (Lifetime) John Graveley (Lifetime)
Joe Graveley (Lifetime) Leah Graveley (Lifetime) Chrysanne Demirel (Lifetime) David Morgan (Lifetime)
DeAnna Morgan (Lifetime) Graceanne Morgan (Lifetime) Carleigh Morgan (Lifetime) Lindee Morgan (Lifetime)
*Dale Boeh (Lifetime Memorial) Barbara Boeh (Lifetime) Jill Skaggs (Lifetime) Sydney Skaggs (Lifetime)
Spencer Skaggs (Lifetime) Rusty Taylor (Lifetime) Nita Taylor (Lifetime) Jeff Cordell (Lifetime)
Kenneth Woodham (Lifetime) Veronica Hernandez (Lifetime) *Debbi Lamb (Lifetime) John Taylor (Lifetime)
Zachary Taylor (Lifetime) Linda Gibson (Lifetime) John Bearden ILifetime) Mary Ann Rollans (Lifetime)
Michele Preston (Lifetime) Donita Davis (Lifetime) Steve Atwood (Lifetime) Kenny Kendrick (Lifetime)
Leshia Kendrick (Lifetime) Dan Griesse (Lifetime) Jana Griesse (Lifetime Ixchel Palencia (Lifetime)
Rick Hammerle (Lifetime) Madonna Brown (Lifetime) Donna Griffin (Lifetime) Blair Griffin (Lifetime)
Allan Barnett (Lifetime) Carol Barnett (Lifetime) Patricia Poort (Lifetime) Neil Poort (Lifetime)
T. Yamashita Monica Simon Frederic Simon Lydia Humphrey
Pamela Hummer Michael Reed Michael Garrison Cheryl Garrison
Adrian Meyer (Lifetime) Brenda Meyer (Lifetime) Ben Meyer (Lifetime) Amanda Meyer (Lifetime)
Will Larkin (Lifetime) Doug George Ronnie Hendrix Russ Warren (Lifetime)
Christine Warren (Lifetime) Steven Warren (Lifetime) Rachael Warren (Lifetime) Bill Keasler (Lifetime)
Karen Keasler (Lifetime) Jim Lanier (Lifetime) Bob Hunt Jr. Steve Harms
Angela Moore Brittany Moore Eric Branson Gary Longley
Denise Longley Rodger Keesee (Lifetime)    
*Not Included in Membership Count