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Freeman Springs was named after the first postmaster, Mose W. Freeman

"A" Dug Well

"B" Covered Shed

"B" Vat for Spring

"C" Freeman Spring (Under wheel cover)
35.66253°, 93.07882°

"C" Freeman Spring (Wheel cover removed)
There are several other springs coming out of the
 hillside located in different places.

"D' Plaque Rock Wall

"D" Plaque on Rock Wall
Freeman Springs 1840-1937
A village with church, school, gen. store, hotel and
mineral springs.  Located on the Pioneer Trail, once
served rest, recreation & supplies to the weary
traveler.  This relay center played an important
part to the early settlers & wagon trains in
developing this great county.  People still visit here,
drink from these springs and tell how their
forefathers told it to them.

"E" Building

Old Freeman Springs (Cool Water, Campground)

"E" Dug Well next to building

"F" Building
(Property presently owned by Amber Sanders)

"G" (With pipe coming out of hillside)

Picture of old Freeman Fire Tower (1931)

"H" Site of old Freeman Fire Tower
35.66286°, 93.07625°

"H" Typical anchor for tower

USGS Monument  next to Fire Tower site
(Freeman 1928, Elevation  2087)

"I" Underground Rock Cellar (?)
35.66286°, 93.07604°

"I" Entrance

"I" Inside

"I" Inside

"I" Steps

"I" Opening above doorway

"I" Inside looking out

"J" Front View

"J" Storage Bldg. for Explosives
35.66512°, 93.07634°
(Used by the nearby CCC Camps)

"J" Inside View

"K" Storage Bldg. for Explosives
35.66800°, 93.07579°

"K" Inside View

"Place Explosives 5" from Wall"