Sign on Hwy. 309 |
Parking Area "A"
35.23298°, 93.62880° |
Entrance to Trailhead
35.23290°, 93.62852° |
Trailhead & Map Box
35.23288°, 93.62835° |
Cove Lake Trail Marker |
View across lake at swimming area
and bathhouse. |
Intersection of Lookout Window Trail
Cove Lake Trail
35.23229°, 93.62556° |
Lookout Window Trail heads uphill to
a vista on top of the mountain. |
Continue straight on Cove Lake Trail.
It will intersect the Lookout Window Trail
at 0.5 miles. |
Lookout Window Trail marked with blue
blazes. |
Vista Point
35.23368°, 93.62028°
(Hard to see view when trees have leaves on them) |
Intersection of Lookout Window and
Lake Trail. (Be sure to turn left here!)
35.23137°, 93.61612° |
Approaching bridge #1
35.23191°, 93.61484° |
Bridge #2
35.23201°, 93.61461° |
Bridge #3 (The Skinny Bridge)
35.23105°, 93.61399° |
Bridge #4
35.23016°, 93.61408° |
Plaque on Bridge #4 |
Open field next to trail.
35.22952°, 93.61391° |
Bridge #5
35.22897°, 93.61470° |
Fence corner. Trail follows fence for
a short distance.
35.22755°, 93.61605° |
Rock Pile
35.22446°, 93.61661° |
Bridge #6 (The Long Bridge)
35.22195°, 93.61629° |
First view of lake from west end. |
A very bent tree!
35.22193°, 93.62078° |
End of trail at park road.......
35.22381°, 93.62269°
(Cross road and trail begins again and follows lake) |
Follow along lake shore.... |
Access Point near Boat Ramp....
35.22737°, 93.62531° |
Boat Ramp |
Head east along park road to Bathhouse
(Trail picks up again on west side near
Miniature Golf Area) |
Public Swimming Area |
View of swimming area and lake looking
north. |
Canoe, kayak and miniature golf
rental. |
Bathhouse |
Miniature Golf |
Trail begins again next to Miniature
35.22940°, 93.62693°
(Trail follows lake to highway) |
View from trail looking back at
swimming area. |
Trail comes out at this intersection.
35.23073°, 93.63052° |
Entrance to park sign.
35.23088°, 93.63072° |
Head north back to Parking Area "A" |
Looking east across lake. |
Spillway on west side of highway. |
Parking Area "A" |
Spillway Bridge |