TAKAHIK River Valley Hikers
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Parking Area #1
35.77319Ü, 93.13817°
Parking Area #2
& Access Point "C"

35.76946°, 93.13759°
(From this point on, the Forest
Road reduces to an ATV Trail)

Access Point "A"

35.76444°, 93.13916°
(The ATV Trail turns and heads

Stacked Rocks
35.76436°, 93.13953°

Pedestal Rock (East of Shelter #1)
35.76332°, 93.13905°

Another Pedestal

Entrance to Shelter #1
35.76349°, 93.13931°

Inside Shelter #1
(40' Deep)

Entrance to Shelter #2
35.76485°, 93.14006°

Inside Shelter #2
(65' Deep)

Entrance to Shelter #3
35.76514°, 93.14043°

Inside Shelter #3
(25' Deep)

On the way to the next shelter....

Approaching Shelter #4

Entrance #1 to Shelter #4
35.76517°, 93.14063°

Looking out Entrance #1 to Shelter #4

Inside Shelter #4

Entrance #2 to Shelter #4

Looking out Entrance #1 & #2
to Shelter #4

Upper Entrance #3 to Shelter #4

Looking out Entrance #3 to Shelter #4

Firepit inside Shelter #4

Entance to Shelter #5
35.76548°, 93.14134°

Looking out from Shelter #5
(30' Deep)

Entrance to Shelter #6 (20' Deep)
35.76558°, 93.14125°
(May be on private property?)

Entrance #1 to Shelter #7
35.76574°, 93.14155°
(This entrance is blocked just inside)

Looking out of Entrance #1 of Shelter #7
(On private property)

Entrance #2 to Shelter #7
35.76581°, 93.14161°

(Next to Beech Tree)

Rock formation just before Shelter #8

Entrance to Shelter #8
35.76680°, 93.14174°
(On private property)

Looking out from Shelter #8
(50' Deep)

Approaching The Chancel Arch #9

The Chancel Arch #9
35.76712°, 93.14207°
(On private property)

Under the arch....

Looking down at the arch from above.

Looking up at Shelter #10
35.76734°, 93.14231°
(On private property)

Looking inside Shelter #10
(20' Deep)

Looking west off of bluff above Shelter #9
(Myers Property)
Access Point "B"
35.76741°, 93.14210°
(Just around the corner from Shelter #10)

Once you get to Access Point "B" you can
head to Access Point "C" or follow the
ridge north back to Parking Area #1.
(The woods are open and it is any easy
hike either way)

Shelter #11
35.76988°, 93.14109°

Inside Shelter #11
(20' Deep)

Upper Hole Through the Rock
35.77048°, 93.14075°

Shelter #12
35.77092°, 93.14046°

Inside Shelter #12
(30' Deep)