TAKAHIK River Valley Hikers
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SAM'S THRONE 10/19/13 

Arriving at Sam's Throne

Our group for the day....and what a beautiful
day it was!

Be sure to look for Takagnome
in todays hike.
(Not Kaiden, the other thing!)

A nice "snowball" mushroom

Heading to "The Point"

We made it to "The Point"
Overlooking  Big Creek Valley looking north.

At "ThePoint"

Now back and on to Sam's Throne

Our first test of the day.....
going through the "crack".

We all make  it through...

A lot of climbers out today.

Exploring a cave

This wet spot inside the cave wall
looks like a tree on a bluff?

Some of the repellers....

Look who is second to climb up on
Sam's Throne!

Orvalene takes her turn

Lila makes it...

Kathie's turn

...and Kaiden is right behind her.

Nanette arrives to the top safely


....and last but not least...Char...
so where is Radio?

It was time for lunch on the Throne!

The sun felt good....

....and a nap felt good too!

On top of the world....

Takagnome was a little nervous up here!

All of us made it on top.....now back down!

Tikki waiting his turn to come down.

Terry, come on down!

Linda makes it look easy.

One more giant step for Kathie

Radio was wondering what the "cross"
was all about?

Ready for our exit out!

Our own version of Tea Table Rock

We encounter more rock climbers
on the way out.

One last group picture with
Sam's Throne in the background

....and one last look at Sam's Throne

Kaiden chose hiking over the State Fair....
my kind of boy!!!

It was a perfect day to be out hiking,
good weather, good friends. Just plain GOOD!