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Seven Hollows Trailhead

4.5 miles to go

Yes it did rain at the end of our hike. 


Heading down the trail

There's iron in those rocks

Some nice rock formations right at the start


Our first cave, looking out

Looking in

4 miles to go

Looking for some of the secrets of Seven Hollows

...but we can't show them to you, it's a secret!

Nice bluffs along the way


...and onward we go

3.5 miles to go


Dogwoods in full bloom



Some of the spring flowers and ferns in the hollows


Waiting while we find more secrets


This was once a squirrels home

We cross this branch several times

3 miles to go

..who likes to sit


A few shots of Bob


...and sit

...and sit

...and sit!

2.5 miles to go

Barbara taking the "safe" way down!


Seven Hollows Vortex?


2 miles to go, and it is beginning to rain a little

Steps craved by Indians, think so?

We found the secret at the grotto


Ferns under the grotto

Crystal clear water

...and that same branch we crossed "20" times!

1.5 miles to go

Dogwood bloom

Arriving at the Natural Bridge

Bridge pedestal

The Bridge from the South

The Bridge from the North

1 mile to go (Someone took the sign?)

0.5 miles to go

0 miles to go